
La Rambla, Pocitos

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


God is good! I have to start there. Every good and perfect gift comes from above.

There have been several times lately that my emotions have wanted to drag me into a self-pity/depression mode, and I hear the enemy's voice telling me how many things I lack or how impossible the circumstances are that we face.  Today I woke up from a short nap (last night was a long night due to staying out late and a teething baby), and I was feeling terrible emotionally.  Everything I was hearing was coming from the pit of Hell, because everything was telling me to be miserable.  

We have a theme for our house, and that theme is "Refreshing."  We have been blessed with some cool things that make our home physically refreshing.  We have a desire for our home to be a place of spiritual refreshing.  I have a goal of treating my family in a refreshing manner.  Today we bought a used sound system from some people who are moving back to North America.  Didn't think much of it, but I hooked it up and was amazed by the sound.  I played a Keith Green album.  His passion for Jesus and his genuineness are evident in his songs.  I worshipped "with" him, as I know he couldn't perform, but only could worship when he played.  God's Spirit ministered to me and brought a spirit of repentance as the tears flowed.  It was a sweet time.  Timbrel walked in and saw the situation and asked, "Who knew that even a sound system would be so refreshing?"  

"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." Acts 3:19

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